
Below you can share your messages of thanks to the Hoffmann family and the MAVA Board and team. We will enjoy reading and re-reading them today, tomorrow and always. We will remember for the rest of our lives what we have shared together over these 28 years. It has been an honour to travel this road together and we wish to express our sincere gratitude for all your efforts in favor of a a healthy planet for people and nature – now and in the future!

You will find the option to leave your message at the bottom of the page here below.

76 Messages

  1. Hetty Einzig

    Working with MAVA partners has been a high point of my career in leadership development. I met, worked with and have been inspired by so many courageous, creative and compassionate leaders dedicated to helping our world be a better place for all. Here is hope and joy!

  2. Enrique Segovia

    Doñana said: thank you very much, MAVA (and Luc)

  3. MedWet

    Thank you MAVA Foundation for your incredible support in the conservation and restoration of #wetlands over the years. Your dedication to this cause is truly remarkable and we are grateful to have been a beneficiary of some of your funds to implement projects for nature and people in the Mediterranean.


    A message shared on MAVA’s LinkedIn page

  4. Areej bdair

    Thank you MAVA foundation

  5. Vulture Conservation Foundation

    🦅 “Conservation is not the protection of nature against human development, but the preservation of life-supporting systems and processes as a basis for a lasting development.” Luc Hoffmann, MAVA Foundation Founder.

    MAVA was born of the passion and vision of Luc Hoffmann, an extraordinary naturalist that built a remarkable foundation. For almost 30 years, MAVA supported nature conservation and ecosystem functions, promoted sustainable use of natural resources, and fostered collaboration within a strong conservation community. Linking science, research and committed conservationists, hundreds of species and habitats across the Mediterranean basin, West Africa and Switzerland benefited.

    The MAVA Foundation has been instrumental in the success of the Vulture Conservation Foundation as we know it today. We owe a huge debt of gratitude to MAVA for their unwavering support and funding, which has enabled us to take critical steps towards restoring Europe’s vulture populations. Through tackling threats, reintroducing birds, and implementing targeted conservation measures, we made great strides in protecting these magnificent birds. We can’t thank MAVA enough for their invaluable contributions to our cause.🙏


    A message shared on MAVA’s LinkedIn page

  6. Michael (Mike) Maunder

    MAVA has left a fantastic legacy. I work in the David Attenborough Building. An old chemistry teaching building that was converted into the the Cambridge Conservation Initiative headquarters with amazing support from MAVA. MAVA has had a profound influence on our culture of collaboration. We have friends and colleagues here who have ben supported by MAVA and when I travel I meet so many people who have benefitted from MAVA training.

  7. Bohdan Vykhor, CEO WWF Ukraine

    On behalf of WWF Ukraine team, I would like to thank MAVA foundation for our office support during war caused by Russian military aggression against Ukraine. Due to valuable MAVA contribution we were able not only save the Ukrainian entity, secure staff wellbeing but also strengthen conservation agenda of Ukrainian post war recovery strategy. Thanks a lot. Peace in your sky and hearts!

  8. MEDSEA / Mediterranean Sea and Coast foundation

    ✨ In these hours we are celebrating an international partner who has been so crucial for us for the protection, enhancement and restoration of #wetlands in recent years, MAVA Foundation!

    Meanwhile, we are pleased to share the results of the #MAVAlegacy on a #Mediterranean scale of the action plan M3 – ENHANCING THE CONSERVATION OF COASTAL WETLANDS (improvement of the conservation of coastal wetlands), under which the #Maristanis activities in #Sardinia fall, in the Oristano area (for the management of the #wetlands, a project in the territory and with the territory that forged us as a foundation and to which we owe a lot!

    👉 Read the results >>>
    Mava Action Plans >>>

    Thanks and greetings to all colleagues of this “Dream team” BirdLife International EuroNatur Foundation IUCN Center for Mediterranean Cooperation WWF Tour du Valat SEO/BirdLife Wetlands International Vertigo Lab PAP/RAC – UNEP/MAP

    Thanks for the journey and “Ad maiora” for our wetlands!


    A message shared on MAVA’s LinkedIn page

  9. Peter Neidecker

    A huge congratulations to the MAVA team for the amazing work you have supported over the past years.

  10. Assane Ndoye

    Merci à la MAVA d’avoir bien voulu accompagner le Sénégal et particulièrement la Direction des parcs nationaux, dans la mise en œuvre de sa politique sur les zones humides.
    Vous avez laissé des empreintes indélébiles!

  11. Marianne Maillot

    Merci à la Fondation Mava pour
    – l’incroyable travaille réaliser
    – l’intelligence de vos interventions
    – l’humanisme et l’humanité que vous avez su mettre dans les relations avec l’ensemble de vos parties prenantes
    – l’impact que vous avez eu et qui se poursuit aujourd’hui
    – le dynamisme, l’enthousiasme, la rigueur, l’exigence et le professionnalisme de votre engagement
    – TOUT

    Vous manquez déjà dans le paysage du secteur de la protection de l’environnement !

    Merci Merci Merci

  12. Samir Lopes Tavares Martins

    With Mava’s support, bird and sea turtle conservation in Cape Verde (West Africa) has seen remarkable results at all levels, including stakeholder capacity building, in situ conservation, monitoring, environmental education, training, and research.
    Hopefully another donor like Mava will come along.
    Many thanks to Mava…

  13. Stanley Buchthal

    A wonderful and important heritage

  14. Jim Leape

    Thank you Andre, Maja, Vera and all the family. You have made a real difference in many parts of the world, and on issues that really matter for our shared future. And thank you to you and to Lynda and the team for leading us all through these last ten years to this moment. All the best, Jim Leape

  15. lina sarkis

    MAVA, we miss you already.
    Love form the Shouf Biosphere Reserve in Lebanon.

  16. Andreas S Beckmann

    Thank you for the incredible generosity and support provided by the MAVA Foundation over many years. The world is a much better place thanks to MAVA’s support and inspiration.

  17. Ramona

    Congratulations to the MAVA team for all of the excellent work: it’s inspiring and also an example of leadership to see a foundation as time-bound. We look forward to seeing various colleagues in future!

  18. Robin Millington

    Thank you Luc, Andre and MAVA for years of collaboration. First Wetlands International and more recently Planet Tracker were born with your support. Thank you for encouraging the very important work of not only these two organisations but so many that are working hard to make this world a better place for our children and grandchildren.

  19. Pablo Borboroglu

    I am trilled to join this celebration of Luc`s life. It is amazing to witness this event although I must confess it makes me a bit sad. I feel like saying goodbye again to Luc. However, i love to see his long term legacy highlighted here.

  20. Joaquim Teodósio

    Your role in nature conservation will always be a milestone in global efforts to preserve biodiversity and our own survival as a species.
    Gratitude has no limits but will always have a memory for your dedication and impact.
    Thank You!!

  21. Andreas Beckmann

    Listening to Andre speaking now, and having had the great privilege to meet and hear his father Luc, I am struck by their modesty and humility — all the more remarkable given all that they have moved. Not only for what they have done and achieved, but also who they are and have been — they are an example and inspiration for true leadership. For this too, I thank you.

  22. Michael Adams

    bravo to the whole team. great work, great legacy… hope we’ll see some of you working on ocean issues in the near future

  23. Olivier Schär

    Hello environmentalists and nature lovers around the world,

    The MAVA Foundation showed me the way to innovate and never give up on my dreams! MAVA staff and board offered us skills, resources and confidence to scale-up conservation in the Regional Nature Park of Jura vaudois (the backyard of the MAVA’s office, in fact). The results of this support are still lasting and have inspired many other conservation organizations, including early opponents of the MAVA support in the Parc du Jura vaudois!
    I’m sure the Hofmann family vision will continue in other ways and I can’t wait to find out how! I am absolutely convinced that André and his mates will make the nature-positive momentum thrive within companies.
    Thanks again for everything you taught me/us.
    All my best wishes to all the MAVA office for your continuation.

  24. Sedat Kalem

    Protecting nature is a highly challenging task, where the presence of strong comrades is critical. Thank you Mava for always being available whenever your support is needed – both in good times and bad times.

  25. Boris Erg

    One of the most important chapters in nature conservation globally, and in the Mediterranean in particular, bears the name of the MAVA Foundation. Over the past decades you’ve become a synonym for partnership, trust relations and engagement. You’ll be missed but you should be proud of the legacy you are leaving behind and all the seeds you sawed and helped turn into respected conservation initiatives.

  26. Assad

    Would not have missed it for the world

  27. Giorgos Catsadorakis

    MAVA has been hugely successful into enabling hundreds of people and organisations to work effectively and efficiently for nature conservation worldwide for a long time.
    Many of us owe so much to Luc Hoffmann and MAVA not only because they provided vital funding but because of the trust we developped between us and the undestanding they showed of the difficulties of conservation work.
    Luc and MAVA changed my life radically by giving me real opportunities to use all my talents, knowledge and passion to contribute to the conservation of wildlife.
    I just hope that other donors will benefit from MAVA’s leading example.

  28. Irene Morell

    thank you for all these years supporting the conservation community and making nature thrive wherever support was given. Best wishes

  29. Henk Smit

    The board and team of the Asociacion Transumancia e Natureza / Faia Brava wish to thank MAVA and the Hoffmann Family deeply for all the support received over 20 years, since our creation in the year 2000. We can proudly testify that your last contribution, the organizational development, has now resulted in a stronger and more stable organization, and a growing reserve. In this way, we have been able to protect the cliff breeders even better than ever. Cliff breeders were the original objective of Luc Hoffmann, when he first visited Faia Brava in 2000.
    Thank you very much MAVA team for all your support and involvement during the last years: namely Paule Gros and Simon Merieux.
    Without your help, mostly when things got difficult, we would never have been where we are now!
    MAVA will keep a sacred place in our hearts
    Best wishes
    Ana Berliner and Henk Smit
    We wish you all the best for the future.

    Best wishes


    Thank you all for making a difference in this part of the world! you must be thrilled and proud!
    We are probably the last grantees of the MAVA and it’s amazing what contributions you have made, thank you again, this is a fantastic adventure! lots of love from Turkey!

  31. Anis Zarrouk

    So proud to be in the book of MAVA 1994-2022 Many thanks to
    , MAVA team & #Hoffmann family for their amazing support & devotion all these years to make a better 🌍. This is not the end, you spread seeds everywhere, at sea, in land & in our hearts.


    A message shared on MAVA’s Twitter account

  32. Andrea Johanides

    Dear colleagues from Mava,
    on behalf of WWF Austria I would like to thank you very much for your longterm support and partnership and the great trust you have placed in our cooperation. With your generous support, Austrian rivers have become more vibrant and protected and the creation of the world’s first 5-country UNESCO Biosphere Reserve along the Mura, Drava and Danube rivers has been made possible.
    Andrea Johanides
    CEO WWF Austria

  33. Myrsini Malakou

    Thank you…Thank you….Thank you… from the bottom of our hearts for enabling us, for standing with us through good days and bad, for making Prespa an iconic site. We’re very proud to be part of your legacy! Myrsini and the SPP team

  34. Olivier Schär

    Hi again,
    What a community MAVA has build all around the world. Amazing!
    That alone is a huge achievements.
    Long life to the MAVA spirit!

  35. Olivier Langrand

    MAVA has boosted the capacity of civil society organisations (CSO) to deliver biodiversity conservation in the Mediterranean Basin and in West Africa. MAVA’s financial, technical support, and moral support allowed CSOs to engage stategically on the most urgent environmental issues, working with communities, municipalities, other NGOs, private sector partners and governments.
    The Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF) is proud to have been a partner of MAVA in the effort to build the capacity of local civil society organisations in the Mediterranean Basin.
    MAVA contributed to build a strong foundation that conservation actors will continue to build on to achieve ambitious goals for the benefit of nature and people.
    Thanks to the Hoffmann family for their long-time commitment to nature conservation and to the entire MAVA team for their dedication and optimism.

  36. ivy kleio nanopoulou

    We are both with you ALL in this wonderful and moving celebration

    Our love Thymio and Ivy

  37. Jan Kamstra

    MAVA did a fantastic job! Your long-term and personal involvement with the partners and their projects was special. This way of working made you a unique organization that will be missed and never forgotten!.

  38. Julia Henderson

    I’m watching from Samsun in Turkey, where the Mediterranean Alliance for Wetlands is meeting for our general assembly – another piece of MAVA’s remarkable legacy, together with the iconic site of the Prespa lakes and the Society for the Protection of Prespa in Greece, where I usually am. It’s lovely to join the celebration and to see so many familiar faces, from MAVA and from our conservation friends.
    Thank you so, so much for everything you have given us all and for the incredible support for the biodiversity, nature and wild world we all love and strive to protect!

  39. Claudia Pedra

    For Stone Soup Consulting it was such a privilege to work with an organisation like the MAVA Foundation that understood that by investing in organisational development you invest in systemic change. We really enjoyed the three-party partnerships approach.

  40. Mariana Nunes

    Congratulations to Mava and all partners involved in such important work!
    It was an honour and great learning experience to work with you.

  41. Pablo Borboroglu

    It has been a deep honor to be a MAVA partner and to work together to protect millions of acres of ocean and coastal habitat for our Planet. DEEPLY GRATEFUL TO LUC, ANDRE AND ALL THE AMAZING MAVA TEAM. YOU HAVE CHANGED THE WORLD!!!! THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF OUR HEARTS.

  42. Miquel Camps

    Thank you for a lot of years working in favour of a better world

  43. Lilian Spijkerman

    Thank you for this beautiful celebration.

    We will reflect on Andre’s take aways. The world is a better place thanks to MAVA Foundation, what a beautiful legacy you are leaving behind. We will miss you all, but I know for sure that our paths will cross again.



  44. Liz Auton

    It’s been so exciting to see how MAVA has catalysed and scaled up so many conservation programmes in the Med and West Africa. By supporting on the ground (and in the water) conservation, but also knowledge, capacity building, campaigning and advocacy, you have been able to really make a difference.

    The work continues, but, with Mava’s support, there is an incredible foundation to build upon. Thanks to the whole MAVA team!

    From BirdLife International in Europe and Central Asia, and BirdLife in West Africa as well as our many Partners and collaborators.

  45. Richard Grimmett

    Many thanks to the MAVA Foundation, to Andre, Lynda, Charlotte and Paule, and the team, for the great support for nature conservation and the work of BirdLife International and its Partners. Very nice to join you today for the farewell celebration. Congratulations!

  46. Eva Hernández

    It has been a pleasure to be part of the MAVA family. Thanks for the flexible work, the shared enthusiasm, the learning and for creating this community of people crazy for nature. We will always remember these years, and of course we will always carry M. Luc Hoffmann in our hearts. An inspiration to continue working to change the World!

  47. Derek Eaton

    Thank you MAVA. Thank you André Hoffmann! Thank you Lynda Mansson! What a inspiring and moving farewell celebration. MAVA has played a significant and impactful role in shaping my own journey working towards a sustainable economy aligned with nature. Your leadership has been tremendous and exemplary! Bonne continuation avec vos nouveaux défis.

  48. Janice Christiansen

    Well done to everyone! Enjoyed your farewell video so much. It was heartwarming and inspiring from beginning to end. Thank you for your dedication and hard work that gives us all hope for the future.

  49. Houssine Nibani

    Je vous remercie pour tout

  50. Claudia Feh

    Dear MAVA,
    what extraordinary achievements, facilitating conservation projects around the world. I feel proud to have been part of the MAVA adventure for years.
    Yes, you listened to people everywhere and encouraged them to take action.
    Maybe the role of the other MAVA members could have been enhanced ? Maja and Vera both actively participated in many projects. It was good to see them at the party.
    Claudia Feh

  51. Society for the Protection of Prespa (SPP)

    🌐🤗 Today we were honoured to join hundreds of others in the MAVA Foundation’s online farewell ceremony! The foundation is closing its doors after almost 3 decades of absolutely game-changing #support for #conservation, instigated by its founder & champion, the incomparable Dr Luc Hoffmann (1923-2016) – a passionate advocate for #nature who also was instrumental in establishing the SPP and served for many years as our president & then honorary president.

    🥂✨ The ceremony was a wonderful opportunity to celebrate everything MAVA has accomplished for #biodiversity, & particularly here in #Prespa, where their support has been crucial in protecting its globally-important natural and cultural wealth. The SPP has been honoured to work in partnership with MAVA, whose long-term vision and commitment for conservation in the iconic site of Prespa has helped to build a more resilient future for the area.

    💚🙏🏼 MAVA leaves behind a thriving conservation ecosystem that it has nurtured into existence, with patience and dedication, investing in so many wild and precious protected areas and the people who strive to protect them. We join innumerable others in profoundly thanking MAVA for its support and friendship over the years and together we will continue the work began by Luc Hoffmann, applying the same steadfast passion that set MAVA in motion.


    A message shared on MAVA’s LinkedIn page

  52. Kathy Bergs

    Dear Andre and MAVA Friends,

    Of the many donors with whom I had the privilege to engage during my years at Peace Parks, MAVA stands out in my mind for its tremendous commitment to knowledge generation and individual as well as organizational empowerment. The thorough approach you took to ensuring the sustainability of initiatives post-2022 can provide a showcase for other donors / philanthropists seeking to maximize their impact.

    Many of the challenges you sought to address are what prompted me to pursue a late career PhD at the University of Ottawa. My thesis, entitled ‘Bridging the Conservation Finance Gap: In search of market mechanisms that deliver sustainability and ecological justice’, will hopefully contribute to the body of knowledge you have so diligently amassed.

    I hope this is not goodbye, but au revoir, and trust our paths will continue to cross in the future.

    With kindest regards,

    Kathy Bergs

  53. Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund

    After 29 years in operation, MAVA Foundation will be closing in June 2023. CEPF would like to congratulate MAVA for the support provided to so many conservation allies in West Africa and in the #Mediterranean Basin.

    We are proud to have been a beneficiary and a partner of MAVA in the Mediterranean Basin #Biodiversity Hotspot. MAVA’s contribution to build a strong foundation of non-governmental organizations involved in the #conservation of nature has been immense. The foundation’s grantees and their partners will use the momentum created by MAVA’s financial, technical, and moral support to continue and increase their efforts for the benefit of nature and people.


    A message shared on MAVA’s LinkedIn page

  54. Zero Waste Europe

    As MAVA Foundation’s environmental grant comes to an end after 6 years, Zero Waste Europe thanks this amazing foundation for all their support.

    Their patronage helped us secure key legislation (e.g. the Single-Use Plastics Directive), set up Break Free From Plastic and the Rethink Plastic alliance, and take our work our zero waste cities work to the next level – both through the Zero Waste Cities Network and through the setup of the Mission Zero Academy.

    We encourage you to read MAVA’s Final Report of their Circular Economy work, which features our Zero Waste Cities work as one of the key achievements of their 2017-2022 programme:


    A message shared on MAVA’s LinkedIn page

  55. Jose Navarrete

    Congratulations for all the achievements of MAVA Foundation! The legacy and great feelings involved in taking care of others will last forever.

  56. Fenosoa S. Andriamahenina

    Félicitations â vous tous! C’était une journée spéciale. MAVA est vraiment unique grace à des personnes uniques comme vous tous. En ma qualité de Directeur de la Fondation BioGuiné en Guinée Bissau, je vous dis merci infiniment pour le leg que nous avons la responsabilité de perpétuer.


    A message shared on MAVA’s LinkedIn page

  57. Efi Starfa

    There are no words for the contribution of MAVA to the environment. Apart from the financial aid, the inspiration from MAVA people and from Luc Hoffman’s ethical values was something amazing. Something that is missing nowadays. On behalf of MEDASSET a big thank you. Not only for the aid guidance flexibility and support. First and foremost for the inspiration. We will treasure it in our hearts. Honoured to have met some of you.


    A message shared on MAVA’s LinkedIn page

  58. Stephanie Mansourian

    A very moving celebration. An amazing legacy.


    A message shared on MAVA’s LinkedIn page

  59. Mediterranean Institute for Nature and Anthropos (MedINA)

    The MAVA Foundation for Nature, which has supported MedINA since 2007, is officially closing its doors.

    🙏 We would like to extend a warm and hearfelt #thankyou to the Foundation and all its staff for their invaluable #support , #contribution and the #trust they placed on us . It is through the Foundation’s support that MedINA managed to grow and evolve throughout these years.

    This chapter may be coming to an end, but MedINA along with the dynamic network of organisations and partnerships fostered by MAVA will ensure that its #vision and #approach carries on for decades to come.

    🔗 Read the full article here:


    A message shared on MAVA’s LinkedIn page

  60. Euronatur

    We would like to express our gratitude for the opportunity to collaborate with the MAVA Foundation and be part of this impactful initiative. We appreciate the holistic and varied approach to #philanthropy that was taken in the programme, which went beyond project support and encompassed elements such as #leadership, organisational development, and sustainable #funding mechanisms.

    The MAVA Impact and Sustainability Unit final evaluation (accessible here: highlights the success of this programme and the positive impact it has had on the communities and organisations involved. We feel now better prepared for the further challenging work towards achieving sustainable #conservation goals.

    Thank you for including us in this impactful initiative.


    A message shared on MAVA’s LinkedIn page

  61. Rodolphe Seguin

    It was a great pleasure to participate in this event that filled us with emotion and above all allowed us to meet adorable people full of humanity! Thank you all!


    A message shared on MAVA’s LinkedIn page

  62. Gerrit Sindermann

    Dear Andre and family, dear Mava team,

    thank you so much for all your support over these years! The Green Digital Finance Alliance has only gotten this far due to your strong commitment, and we could learn about many other great initiatives you have been supporting! Thank you for everything and we are looking forward to staying connected and working with you beyond MAVA!

  63. Nick Beglinger

    Thank you Mava, thank you André, and thank you Luc. We feel privileged to having received your financial support. And we realise that our swisscleantech initiative, with a distinct political angle, was not an easy one for you to engage. At the same time, going forward, I think it is fair to say that we must all realise: ‘traditional’ conservation simple isn’t enough. Despite your extraordinary efforts over the past 28 years, most development indicators, from carbon in the atmosphere to the loss of species, are still heading in the wrong direction today. Sharing Mava’s experience, in my view, should include this aspect – not as criticism regarding the past, but as an important lesson-learnt for the future.

  64. Don Matthews

    We at the Hellenic Society for Nature want to thank Luc and the Hoffmann family and the MAVA Foundation who have been unbelievably supportive of so many initiatives of nature protection here in Greece. From the earliest days when Luc first came to Greece, he became good friends with our General Secretary Byron Antypas and generously embraced numberless projects to advance the early work of nature protection in our country. Luc was always more than just a supporter and leader to us; he has also been a friend, and indeed he and the MAVA Foundation have been a personal inspiration to us all, and their great contribution will always be remembered with great pleasure and gratitude.

    Don Matthews, Past Board Member of the HSPN

  65. Gerrit Sindermann

    Dear Andre, dear Hoffmann family, dear MAVA team,

    thank you so much for all your support for the Green Digital Finance Alliance (GDFA) over all these years! We would not be where we are without you, and we could also witness other examples of the value your great ecosystem support created (MAVA Academy and others).

    We are looking very much forward to working with you also in the future wish you the very best!

    Your GDFA team

  66. Chantal MENARD

    My job would definitely NEVER had been the same without the MAVA foundation! I appreciated so much your humanity as well as your openness and flexibility. This matters when you do communications. I hope we will stay in touch in a way or another. I feel so grateful for all the opportunities you gave to many of us.
    A big hug, that’s the way we do in the Mediterranean 😉

  67. Patricia Zurita

    It is nearly impossible to calculate the myriad ways in which the MAVA Foundation has made the world a better place. Thanks to MAVA’s unstinting commitment under Andre’s visionary leadership with Lynda and her team, BirdLife has developed its Partners’ capacity, and delivered lasting conservation on the ground. From all of the amazing initiatives around Luc Hoffmann’s beloved Mediterranean – many proudly delivered by BirdLife and our Partners – to our groundbreaking flyways work, we are all immeasurably grateful.

  68. Tara Sukic

    Dear MAVA team,

    There is the saying: The whole is greater than the sum of its parts. I believe this is what all of us can agree to, when looking back to the legacy that the MAVA foundation is leaving behind.
    The way, that we were able to engage with you and the way you supported our ideas and visions, was really outstanding, and could serve as rolemodel for others and ourselves.

    A big thank you from Germany!

  69. Kay Farmer

    Thank you for so generously sharing all your learning – I hope this highly visible commitment to such best practice is picked up far and wide.

  70. Lorena Segura

    Thank you so much for all the support and opportunities offered to our conservation community. Personally, I have felt that I have grown a lot professionally thanks to MAVA’s projects and trainings. We will continue to work together for healthy Mediterranean wetlands and thriving communities within the Alliance. Thanks for your trust!

  71. Anne Rémy

    I will never forget meeting Luc in Paris, when he came to thank us for our work to protect the Loire River. His charisma and humanity will always be a model for me. In French, we say “un grand homme!”.
    MAVA has given so much to WWF in the Mediterranean that it is difficult to select or summarise all these gifts. Thank you for the incredible trust and support given to NGOs and individuals.
    The MAVA Foundation has not closed, it lives on in the conservation community that has been built and in its quest to protect nature and people.
    Special thanks to Lynda, Paule and Julien.

  72. Demetres Karavellas

    No other family, no other foundation has had such a lasting impact on conservation in the Mediterranean region as the Hoffmann family and the MAVA Foundation. Luc, Andre, Maja, Vera, Rosalie, Frederic together with Lynda, Paule and all the amazing team at MAVA, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts for the trust, the support and the wonderful journey all these years together! The MAVA legacy will live on in the places you cared so deeply about and in the conservation leaders whose lives and paths you have touched profoundly.

  73. Constantinos Liarikos

    Privileged to be serving Luc’s vision, inspired from my interactions with Andre, lucky to have worked with the great MAVA team (a special hug to you Paule and Lynda). Thank you for all the trust, drive and empowerment you have steadily provided us. Funding has been a mere small part of the unique relationship between MAVA and its partners.

  74. WWF Greece

    Luc’s vision for conserving biodiversity across the Mediterranean leaves a lasting legacy for nature conservation in Greece. Without Luc’s inspiration and wisdom and Andre’s drive for impact, WWF Greece would have never become the viable and impactful organization it is today.

    Working with Jean-Paul, Lynda, Paule, Holger, Julien, Louis, Thierry, Rachel, Shalini, Charlene, and the entire MAVA team, has empowered our people, strengthened our programme and helped us navigate through challenging times.

    Throughout the 30 years of working together, inspiration, trust, guidance and encouragement were never missed. Thank you!

  75. Biosfera Cabo Verde

    Thank you. As simple as this. Thank you. Thank you for believed in us without knowing our work. What work? We were just starting. It was just an idea, a dream.

    A young NGO in a remote small island nation, Cabo Verde. It was FIBA by that time.

    The work continued with MAVA. Because of you and your family and all the team, we can now be proud to be one of the best NGOs in Cabo Verde.

    It was a fast grow but no fear because we had MAVA to care, to watch and to cheer.

    Thank you.
    Tommy Melo

    and Biosfera Cabo Verde team


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